What You Can Expect at Koinonia Ministries

Dynamic Worship
Our worship services are energetic and upbeat. Our musical presentation is designed to provide you with a dynamic worship experience that includes passionate preaching and teaching that is practical, motivating, and life-changing.

Cultural Diversity
We welcome and accept people from all backgrounds, walks of life, and ethnic groups. We acknowledge that all believers are one in Christ and we strive to be a true family where people sincerely love and care for each other.

Member Inclusiveness
We believe that every co-laborer of Koinonia Ministries has been gifted to have a positive impact on the direction and ministry of the church. We solicit and encourage the input and feedback of every co-laborer in the planning, design and implementation of everything that God sets before us to accomplish. We worship and operate as a family.

Christian Service
We believe that all Christians are ministers. We not only encourage believers to get involved in ministry but also equip them to do so.  There are numerous opportunities for members to serve at Koinonia Ministries as we strive to positively impact people’s lives for Christ.

Service Times

11:00 am – Morning Worship
7:30 pm – Wednesday Bible study
7:30 pm – 2nd & 4th Friday Youth Service


5928 Gilliam Road
Orlando, FL 32818

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